原创SUIS 毕业季 | 2023届协和浦东高中毕业典礼
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■ Gruduation■
我们都知道A Level课程的挑战性在哪里,它又是如何去训练学生们的毅力和韧性的。恭喜你们,你们已经微笑着完成了这次非凡的冒险,并交出协和三林校区历届以来,最亮眼的升学成绩单。
We wish you...
典礼上,协和浦东联合校长Ms. Kim Sahi,协和浦东执行校长Ms. Jenny Chen,A2A的班主任Dr. Jason Bach,A2B的班主任Mr. Glen Allen,2023届毕业生代表 Masahiko-Takayanagi 和 Lucy Hu,及协和教育中心总校长 - 卢慧文女士,依次发表了他们的祝福感言。
Ms. Kim Sahi
Ms. Jenny Chen
Dr. Jason Bach
Mr. Glen Allen
■学生代表 ■
Masahiko Takayanagi
Lucy Hu
On 27th June, 2023, you graduated as the sixth cohort of the SUIS Pudong Sanlin Campus.
It has been a long journey for each of you: Primary School, Junior High School, IGCSE, AS, mock exams, university applications, concerts, art exhibitions, community service, sports trips and many other memorable moments and events. All of these have become part of your student life. Throughout the journey, you surely have had doubts, but you have persevered and now you have reached the day you all have been looking forward to: graduation.
Congratulations! Today is your day, the day of graduation.
▲Classof 2023 Graduation Ceremony
■ Gruduation■
When the processional music started, with the blessing of parents, teachers and fellow students, you paraded into the auditorium in cap and gown.
A Levels is certainly a challenging course, but no one can deny that it develops your perseverance and resilience. Congratulations, you have now completed this extraordinary adventure with smiles on your faces and you have produced the best offer list in the history of SUIS Pudong Sanlin Campus.
We are truly proud of you. We believe that you are ready to depart and embark on your journey to universities all over the world.
In witness of parents, teachers and students, you in turn walked onto the stage, had the tassel turned and the graduation certificate awarded.
At this very crucial moment of your life, with our most sincere applause and blessings, your high school career has come to a successful close.
We wish you...
At the ceremony, Co-principal of SUIS Pudong - Ms. Kim Sahi, Acting Principal of SUIS Pudong - Ms. Jenny Chen, A2A Form Teacher - Dr. Jason Bach, A2B Form Teacher Mr. Glen Allen, representatives of Class of 2023 – Masahiko Takayanagi and Lucy Hu, and General Principal of Xiehe Organisation - Ms. Lu Huiwen, delivered their speeches one by one.
Ms.Jenny Chen
"You will find that the future might not be a smooth sailing. Each stage presents different challenges for different persons. Sometimes it’s about academic pressure, other times about interpersonal relationships, financial difficulties, and many more. The future is unpredictable and ever-changing where setbacks become the norm. Despite that, as students who grew up at SUIS Pudong, you will say no to frustration or arrogance, only to embrace determination and perseverance!"
Dr. Jason Bach
"I advise all of you to set high goals and make serious, step-by-step plans about how to achieve them. Every single one of you has amazing unique talents and it’s your duty to keep developing those in pursuit of your goals whatever they may be. You all have the potential and are in an excellent position to get whatever you want in life, so it’s up to you how far you want to go. So stay motivated, work toward something important that you’re passionate about and as Gandhi said, “be the change you want to see in the world”."
Mr. Glen Allen
"You are all unique individuals with so many positive qualities, so be happy, be successful, stand out at University and at job interviews, never settle for second best in life and strive to become the person you want to be!
Good luck in your future studies and I hope you all end up finding a happy place to call home and a wonderful place to work, whether it is here in China or elsewhere in the world."
■Class of 2023 ■
Masahiko Takayanagi
"I wish everyone here the best of luck as we move forward to the next stage of growth and great things to come."
■Classof 2023■
Lucy Hu
"We have worked hard, and this is the culmination of our efforts. As we move forward, let us remember the lessons we have learned, the friendships we have made, and the experiences we have gone through. Let us embrace the challenges that lie ahead and continue to grow and learn."
■ Xiehe Edu■
Ms. Lu Huiwen
"Remember, the knowledge and skills you have acquired during your time with us are not just for personal gain but are meant to be shared for the betterment of society. Embrace your roles as responsible global citizens, using your education to contribute meaningfully to the world and to advocate for positive change.
Congratulations, Class of 2023! Thank you for inspiring us all with your achievements. May you continue to pursue your dreams with unwavering determination, and may your futures be filled with success, happiness, and fulfillment."
The summer of 2023 is shining because of you.
From now on, you will probably head off to different parts of the world, or start your own business, or take a gap year. However, we firmly believe that this is the best decision made and we can expect great things to happen.
Graduates of 2023, we will meet each other in the summit some time in the future.
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