新概念英语二册听力音频附原文及翻译(lesson1-96) |
新概念英语二册听力音频:Lesson 1 A private conversation |
新概念英语二册听力音频:Lesson 2 Breakfast or lunch |
新概念英语二册听力音频:Lesson 3 Please send me a card |
新概念英语二册听力音频:Lesson 4 An exciting trip |
新概念英语二册听力音频:Lesson 5 No wrong numbers |
新概念英语二册听力音频:Lesson 6 Percy Buttons |
新概念英语二册听力音频:Lesson 7 Too late |
新概念英语二册听力音频:Lesson 8 The best and the worst |
新概念英语二册听力音频:Lesson 9 A cold welcome |
新概念英语二册听力音频:Lesson 10 Not For Jazz |
新概念英语二册听力音频:Lesson 11 One good turn deserves another |
新概念英语二册听力音频:Lesson 12 Goodbye and good luck |
新概念英语二册听力音频:Lesson 13 The Greenwood Boys |
新概念英语二册听力音频:Lesson 14 Do you speak English |
新概念英语二册听力音频:Lesson 15 Good news |
新概念英语二册听力音频:Lesson 16 A polite request |
新概念英语二册听力音频:Lesson 17 Always young |
新概念英语二册听力音频:Lesson 18 He often does this |
新概念英语二册听力音频:Lesson 19 Sold out |
新概念英语二册听力音频:Lesson 20 One man in a boat |
新概念英语二册听力音频:Lesson 21 Mad or not |
新概念英语二册听力音频:Lesson 22 A glass envelope |
新概念英语二册听力音频:Lesson 23 A new house |
新概念英语二册听力音频:Lesson 24 It could be worse |
新概念英语二册听力音频:Lesson 25 Do the English speak English |
新概念英语二册听力音频:Lesson 26 The best art critics |
新概念英语二册听力音频:Lesson 27 A wet night |
新概念英语二册听力音频:Lesson 28 No parking |
新概念英语二册听力音频:Lesson 29 Taxi |
新概念英语二册听力音频:Lesson 30 Football or polo |
新概念英语二册听力音频:Lesson 31 Success story |
新概念英语二册听力音频:Lesson 32 shopping made easy |
新概念英语二册听力音频:Lesson 33 Out of the darkness |
新概念英语二册听力音频:Lesson 34 quick work |
新概念英语二册听力音频:Lesson 35 Stop thief! |
新概念英语二册听力音频:Lesson 36 Across the Channel |
新概念英语二册听力音频:Lesson 37 The Olympic Games |
新概念英语二册听力音频:Lesson 38 Everything except the weather |
新概念英语二册听力音频:Lesson 39 Am I all right? |
新概念英语二册听力音频:Lesson 40 Food and talk |
新概念英语二册听力音频:Lesson 41 Do you call that a hat? |
新概念英语二册听力音频:Lesson 42 Not very musical |
新概念英语二册听力音频:Lesson 43 Over the South Pole |
新概念英语二册听力音频:Lesson 44 Through the forest |
新概念英语二册听力音频:Lesson 45 clear conscience |
新概念英语二册听力音频:Lesson 46 Expensive and uncomfortable |
新概念英语二册听力音频:Lesson 47 A thirsty ghost |
新概念英语二册听力音频:Lesson 48 Did you want to tell me something |
新概念英语二册听力音频:Lesson 49 The end of a dream |
新概念英语二册听力音频:Lesson 50 Taken for a ride |
新概念英语二册听力音频:Lesson 51 Reward for virtue |
新概念英语二册听力音频:Lesson 52 A pretty carpet |
新概念英语二册听力音频:Lesson 53 Hot snake |
新概念英语二册听力音频:Lesson 54 Sticky fingers |
新概念英语二册听力音频:Lesson 55 Not a gold mine |
新概念英语二册听力音频:Lesson 56 Faster than sound |
新概念英语二册听力音频:Lesson 57 Can I help you, madam? |
新概念英语二册听力音频:Lesson 58 blessing in disguise |
新概念英语二册听力音频:Lesson 59 In or out |
新概念英语二册听力音频:Lesson 60 The future |
新概念英语二册听力音频:Lesson 61 Trouble with the Hubble |
新概念英语二册听力音频:Lesson 62 After the fire |
新概念英语二册听力音频:Lesson 63 She was not amused |
新概念英语二册听力音频:Lesson 64 The Channel Tunnel |
新概念英语二册听力音频:Lesson 65 Jumbo versus the police |
新概念英语二册听力音频:Lesson 66 Sweet as honey! |
新概念英语二册听力音频:Lesson 67 Volcanoes |
新概念英语二册听力音频:Lesson 68 Persistent |
新概念英语二册听力音频:Lesson 69 But not murder! |
新概念英语二册听力音频:Lesson 70 Red for danger |
新概念英语二册听力音频:Lesson 71 A famous clock |
新概念英语二册听力音频:Lesson 72 A car called bluebird |
新概念英语二册听力音频:Lesson 73 The record-holder |
新概念英语二册听力音频:Lesson 74 Out of the limelight |
新概念英语二册听力音频:Lesson 75 SOS |
新概念英语二册听力音频:Lesson 76 April Fools’ Day |
新概念英语二册听力音频:Lesson 77 A successful operation |
新概念英语二册听力音频:Lesson 78 The last one? |
新概念英语二册听力音频:Lesson 79 By air |
新概念英语二册听力音频:Lesson 80 The Crystal Palace |
新概念英语二册听力音频:Lesson 81 Escape |
新概念英语二册听力音频:Lesson 82 Monster or fish |
新概念英语二册听力音频:Lesson 83 After the elections |
新概念英语二册听力音频:Lesson 84 On strike |
新概念英语二册听力音频:Lesson 85 Never too old to learn |
新概念英语二册听力音频:Lesson 86 Out of control |
新概念英语二册听力音频:Lesson 87 A perfect alibi |
新概念英语二册听力音频:Lesson 88 Trapped in a mine |
新概念英语二册听力音频:Lesson 89 slip of the tongue |
新概念英语二册听力音频:Lesson 90 What’s for supper |
新概念英语二册听力音频:Lesson 91 Three men in a basket |
新概念英语二册听力音频:Lesson 92 Asking for trouble |
新概念英语二册听力音频:Lesson 93 A noble gift |
新概念英语二册听力音频:Lesson 94 Future champions |
新概念英语二册听力音频:Lesson 95 A fantasy |
新概念英语二册听力音频:Lesson 96 The dead return |
- 新概念英语二册听力音频原声+原文(美音音频、英音音频)
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