英雄帖|深美中考入学奖学金,有分你就来!2023 SAIS Secondary Scholarship|世界今亮点
June, 30th, 2023
Shenzhen American International Schoolwarmly congratulates the completion of the Shenzhen Secondary School Entrance Examination! In order to express our blessings and expectations to all prospective high school students, we are now launching a new scholarship incentive system, which is available online or by visiting our school, as long as you meet the declaration requirements.
申请条件Applying Condition
1. 中考分数达500分及以上
Score 500 or aboveon the Secondary School Entrance Examination
2. 通过深美MAP考试评估
Pass the MAP test assessment
奖金级别Scholarship Level
一等奖学金 1st Class
Students with scores over the score line of the top 8 middle schools of Shenzhen: 100% tuition fee (¥258,000 RMB)of the school year waived.
二等奖学金 2nd Class
Students with scores over the score line of the top 10 middle schools of Shenzhen: 30% tuition fee (¥80,000 RMB) of the school year waived.
优秀奖学金 Merit Class
Students with 80% score of SAIS MAP-test: ¥20,000~50,000 RMBwaived. ( G8 and above only)
师资介绍 Faculty Introduction
The faculty of SAIS is very strong, and we will welcome more excellent master and doctoral teachers from Harvard, Yale, Stanford, Penn, Columbia, Cornell and other top universities this year.
At present, the faculty of SAIS has reached 70% of master and doctorate, among which all the foreign teachers of the secondary school are doctorate teachers of famous schools.
Please stay tuned as we will be updating the details of the faculty, including the teachers" biographies and educational philosophy.
咨询方式 Contact Us
If you are interested in SAIS Secondary Scholarship, you can scan the QR code below to consult our admission teacher.
Visit & Consult
If you are willing to visit us on open day or consult online, please click into the link or scan the QR code below to fill in the information of you and your child. We will contact you in 2 workdays.
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